The honeymoon stage is lovely! We are 3 days into the new term with only 2 out of the 5 students. And we have had no incidents to report. It has been a great beginning to a potentially stressful job. I have been privileged enough to be paired with a teacher (only until the end of the month) who really "gets it." What I mean is really gets dealing with the special population. Actually the entire school is like this and it is phenomenal. The potential for danger and intense situations is extremely high every moment of the day. But the staff is a solid team at this school and they work together so that no person would ever have to deal with a situation on their own. I have seen some of the behaviours that a few of the other teachers are dealing with and I am feeling fortunate that I get to be eased into the whole situation. I am sure the dynamics will change later this week as we will be getting a new student to the school who has a reputation of violence. He will be in my class. I am a bit nervous, but confident as I know I have the support that I need.
It is strange and I haven't figured it out, why I haven't seen this severity of behaviour in the children back home. Even in the special needs classrooms I have taught in. I have seen some intense behaviours, but nothing to this extreme. I am glad that the children here are provided an environment where they are safe and cared for. They are treated as individuals and are allowed to be part of the team.
I have had a few laughs with the boys in my group thus far, and I find the humour makes for a lighter mood. I think I am still mesmerized by the accents. They are so cute! As specific as I would like to be so you can all get a picture is not something I can provide. I will keep you posted on the many events that we will be doing as they unfold.
The school has a pet rabbit. An animal that I usually am not too fond of, but I found myself snuggling with it today. It is black and white. It made me think of my Corona! I miss him tremendously.
I can't wait till my mom arrives on the 18th in Manchester. Although they are coming for tourist reasons, and to watch some golf. I hope to meet up with them on some of the weekends so I can get my fill of hugs until the next person visits me. (Anyone want to visit? I have room for you to sleep?)
P.S. Work life/routine is no different here then it is back home. Not sure what I was expecting. I know I can't travel all of the time, and that I need to make money in order to travel. But coming home after work and making supper and sitting around feels the same here as it did back home. Lonely! I am on a mission to find some sort of club to belong to, otherwise I may give into one of my many bad habits.