It was broke and I needed to fix it! I decided that the whole point of this journey was for me to look after me and to do things that made me happy.
I have spent countless hours and tears trying to decide what to do. It is hard for me as many of you know to make a change like this. It is my stubborn personality that stands in my way. But at the end of the day, the people back home gave me the advice I needed to help in my decision. They offered me the support that I wasn't receiving here so I could see that it is okay to make changes such as these. So.... I resigned from my teaching job!
There was more to my reasons as to why I wanted to leave than just the assault. I will be happy to share these with you when I am home and we can talk face to face. I can't post everything on the blog.
For the first time in 10 years I am without a job. I can't believe it. My last day of work is the 18th of February. I feel fantastic about my decision! It is like a weight has been lifted. Don't get me wrong, there were some great moments at this school. But to come home day in and day out after some of the abuse and not have a shoulder to cry on, got a little too hard. I need something a little more light hearted and easy for the remainder of time that I am here.
Yes, my plan is to stay at least till June. I am not ready to come home yet. It is a matter of finding something to pay my bills and allow for a little more travel. I feel I need to experience more and gain a greater appreciation for the things I miss at home.
Just think about it in this way too, I will now have new things to share on my blog. I have to keep you all interested, don't I?